The Beal Gully 7.3mm UNICORE is the lightest half-rope on the market, and is also certified as a twin rope. Its extreme light weight and very low impact force make the Gully 7.3 an ideal rope for ice climbing, mountaineering and the most demanding terrain. Like all other thin double ropes in Beal’s range, the Gully 7.3 benefits from the reliability and additional safety that UNICORE technology provides. Intended for expert climbers on glacial, mountain or adventure climbing.
The Gully 7.3mm rope uses both UNICORE and GOLDEN DRY technology. The first one makes the core and the sheath of the rope integral. The second is a treatment against water and abrasion. The result: a light, fluid rope, but above all one that provides enhanced safety thanks to its extreme resistance to weather conditions and abrasion.