The Alfifi is an adjustable length fifi hook that uses a cam buckle and webbing strap. This fifi has evolved over the last couple years with feedback and input from some of the best bigwall climbers in Yosemite. We are currently on version 4!
Of all the gear you’ll rack for a climb, this is one piece you’ll use for every move!!!
Experienced aid climbers are familiar with fifi hooks and adjustable daisy chains. Moving up in aiders can be tedious with daisies, while fumbling with fifi hooks, especially when top stepping. Climbers have battled to release daisies under tension or get the perfect fifi length in the top steps. They have been forced to link carabiners, quick draws or having to extend their adjustable daisies every single time they want to unhook and move to the higher placement.
If your looking for the most efficient and smoothest way to move from piece to piece when aid climbing the Alfifi is the tool your looking for.
Big wall climbers in Yosemite National Park know that the Alfifi is a game-changer. With this unique adjustable fifi, you can press the lever to extend the webbing and unhook the fifi all in one fluid motion.
Made by hand in America. Built by Skot of Skot’s Wall Gear, a one man operation working out of his garage.
The A4 Alfifi body is made from stainless steel.
The cam lever is replaceable so the A4 will last years and years even with heavy use.