W.H.A.C.K – Whipped Hmpe Aid Climbing Kit
50 inches of 5mm HMPE + 10D (3″) finish nail = lots of assembly required!
These come free with every hammer we sell but we also offer it here by itself.
Instructions on how to build your W.H.A.C.K.
1 – Cut electric tape at a 45 degree angle and tape one end of your HMPE to the nail in a spiral motion. NO WRINKLES!
2 – Fold HMPE with 10 inches and identify where you’d want your eye and put the nail evenly through the 12 braid HMPE, pulling the tail all the way through.
3 – Right below where that splice is, poke the center of the HMPE with the nail again and massage the opening as big as you can. DON’T pull tail through but put the opposite end in that hole and pull tight.
4 – Verify you like the size of the eye. If this is the side for the carabiner, very small eyes can help keep it in place.
5 – Splice the tail all the way down the HMPE, pulling the nail out when you can’t go anymore. Remove nail and tape. Milk the splice until the tail gets sucked up inside looking like a full snake.
NOTE: Tapering the tail has not proven to produce consistently higher results in our break tests. See our VIDEO about that here.
6 – Put the nail on the other end of the HMPE and repeat each step. You have the option to splice it into your hammer directly.
7 – Whip it if you want with fishing line. Not necessary unless you see it working itself loose over time. Simple VIDEO about that here.
You now have brummel eye splices in 12 braid HMPE!
Don’t use for life support!